Jul 6, 2011

Knuckle Sandwich

Knuckle rings are wicked, they send a message that you're a front-runner to fashion. Here are four women who know how to pull off the look and three amazing rings you can buy to emulate their look.
1. www.etsy.com/listing/77223964/armour-ring?ref=v1_other_1 | 2. pinkamby.tumblr.com/ | 3. http-//orlex.tumblr.com/ | 4. http-//adovenscent.tumblr.com/page/22
1. Plain Gold Armour Ring us.topshop.com 1.bloomingdales.com | 2. Low Luv by Erin Wasson Armour Knuckle Ring in Gold shopthetrendboutique.com | 3. Plain Gold Armour Ring us.topshop.com

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